How To Fix A Recliner That Leans To One Side: Quick Solutions For Optimal Comfort

We’ve all experienced that frustrating moment when our favorite recliner starts to lean to one side, throwing off our perfect relaxation zone. Fear not, for in this guide, we will unveil the secrets of fixing a recliner that leans to one side.

We’ll take you on a journey to identify the issue, teach you how to adjust and reinforce your recliner, and provide tips on seeking professional help if needed. From tightening screws to using glue and bracing, we’ve got you covered.

So grab your tools and get ready to restore your beloved recliner to its former glory – because there’s nothing quite like sinking into the cozy embrace of a recliner that’s perfectly upright.

How To Fix A Recliner That Leans To One Side

To fix a recliner that leans to one side, there are several steps you can take. First, identify the cause of the lean, which could be a broken reclining mechanism, an uneven floor, or a weak chair frame.

If the floor is uneven, adjust it to create a level surface. Next, inspect the reclining mechanism for any damages or faults and repair or replace if necessary.

If the chair frame is weak, reinforce it by tightening screws, securing joints, and applying wood glue with clamps for broken wooden joints. Additionally, consider replacing worn upholstery and coverings.

Test the recliner to ensure it no longer leans to one side and fix the issue promptly to prevent further damage. If you are unsure or unable to fix the problem, seek professional help.

Remember to follow the recliner’s manual for installation instructions when replacing parts and exercise caution around joints near springs to avoid injury. Regularly check the frame and structure to prevent future problems and consider purchasing recliners from trusted companies for quality and durability.

Key Points:

  • Identify the cause of the recliner’s lean, such as a broken reclining mechanism, an uneven floor, or a weak chair frame
  • Adjust the floor to create a level surface if it is uneven
  • Inspect and repair or replace the reclining mechanism if damaged or faulty
  • Reinforce the weak chair frame by tightening screws, securing joints, and applying wood glue with clamps for broken wooden joints
  • Consider replacing worn upholstery and coverings
  • Test the recliner to ensure it no longer leans and seek professional help if needed


Check this out:

💡 Pro Tips:

1. Check the balance of the recliner by sitting in it and observing if it leans to one side. Adjust the footrest and backrest to see if it helps with the balance.

2. Look for loose screws or bolts in the reclining mechanism and tighten them using a screwdriver or wrench. This may help fix the leaning issue.

3. If the recliner has a swivel base, make sure it is properly aligned and tightened. Use a wrench or pliers to secure any loose bolts or nuts.

4. Inspect the upholstery and padding for any signs of wear or damage. If necessary, replace the cushioning or repair the upholstery to improve the support and balance of the recliner.

5. Consider placing a shim or wedge under the lower side of the recliner to help level it out on uneven floors. Use a level tool to ensure it is balanced evenly.

1. Identify The Cause Of The Recliner Leaning

Many factors can contribute to a recliner leaning to one side. It is important to identify the root cause before attempting any fixes.

Here are the common causes to consider:

  • Broken Reclining Mechanism: The reclining mechanism is responsible for the smooth movement and stability of a recliner. Over time, it can become damaged or faulty, leading to an imbalance.

Inspect this mechanism for any signs of wear and tear, such as broken or misaligned parts.

  • Uneven Floor: An uneven floor can throw off the balance of a recliner. Place a level on the floor to determine if it is the cause.

If the floor is indeed uneven, adjustments will need to be made to ensure even weight distribution.

  • Weak Chair Frame: The frame of a recliner provides support and stability. If the frame is weak, it can lead to a leaning recliner.

Check for any signs of damage or weakness in the frame, such as loose or cracked joints.

2. Adjust The Floor If It Is Uneven

If an uneven floor is identified as the cause of the recliner leaning, there are a few solutions available:

  • Floor Leveling: Use a leveling tool to determine the high and low areas of the floor. Depending on the severity of the unevenness, you may need to adjust the floor using shims or leveling compounds.

Consult a professional if you are uncertain about how to proceed.

  • Elevate The Recliner: Alternatively, you can place the recliner on an elevated surface, such as a platform or wooden blocks. This will help compensate for any unevenness in the floor and provide a stable base for the recliner.

3. Inspect The Reclining Mechanism For Damages Or Faults

Inspect the reclining mechanism for any damages or faults that may be causing the recliner to lean. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Examine the reclining mechanism closely for any broken or misaligned parts. Look out for bent or damaged metal components, loose screws, or worn-out gears.

  • If you identify any damaged parts, consider contacting the manufacturer or a professional upholsterer to source the necessary replacement parts. Properly refer to the recliner’s manual to ensure correct installation and alignment.

  • For minor issues, such as loose screws or bolts, use a screwdriver or wrench to tighten them. Be careful not to overtighten, as this may cause further damage.

4. Reinforce The Chair Frame If It Is Weak

A weak chair frame can be a significant contributor to a recliner leaning to one side. Here are some steps to reinforce the chair frame:

  • Identify any loose or cracked joints in the frame. Use a screwdriver or appropriate tool to tighten them securely.

If a joint is cracked, you may need to disassemble it and apply wood glue before reassembling.

  • For broken wooden joints, apply wood glue to the broken parts and use clamps to hold them together while the glue dries. This will help restore the strength and stability of the frame.

  • In cases where the frame is severely damaged, reinforcing metal bracings or additional wood supports may be necessary. Consult a professional if you are unsure about this process.

5. Seek Professional Help If Needed Or Unsure About Fixing It

While some recliner issues can be fixed by following DIY methods, it is essential to recognize when professional help is needed. If you are unsure about the severity of the problem or lack the necessary skills and tools, it is best to seek assistance from an experienced upholsterer or furniture repair specialist.

These professionals will have the expertise and knowledge to diagnose the issue accurately and recommend the most suitable solutions. Attempting complex repairs without proper guidance may aggravate the problem or cause additional damage to the recliner.

6. Tighten Screws And Secure Joints

Loose screws and insecure joints can contribute to a recliner leaning to one side. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure these elements remain tight and secure.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • Inspect the screws and bolts of the recliner, paying close attention to the joints and moving parts. Use a screwdriver or wrench to tighten any loose screws or bolts gently.

Avoid overtightening, as this can strip the threads or cause damage.

  • Check the recliner’s manual for specific instructions relating to screw and bolt tightening. Different recliners may have variations in the types of screws used, and following the manufacturer’s guidelines is essential to prevent further damage.

By addressing any loose or insecure elements, you can improve the overall stability and prevent further leaning of the recliner.

(Note: This article will continue with the remaining

headings in subsequent paragraphs.)

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