How to Keep Your Dog from Going Under the Recliner?

Have you ever found yourself in a battle with your furry friend as they relentlessly try to squeeze their way under the recliner?

It’s not only frustrating but also dangerous for your beloved pet.

In this article, we’ll share some ingenious tips to keep your dog from going under recliners, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.

Whether you’re dealing with a curious pup or a mischievous troublemaker, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to win the war against the recliner’s irresistible allure!

how to keep dog from going under recliner

To keep a dog from going under a recliner, there are a few solutions and tips that can be implemented.

First, blocking off the space under the recliner using pet barriers, furniture blockers, or boxes can be effective.

Providing alternatives such as a cozy dog bed or crate with a soft blanket can also give the dog a comfortable and secure spot.

Training the dog with commands like “leave it” or “stay” and rewarding good behavior can help reinforce the desired behavior.

Additionally, checking for pests and eliminating any potential stressors can contribute to reducing the dog’s inclination to go under the recliner.

Regular exercise is important to reduce the dog’s excess energy as well.

Lastly, addressing the underlying behavioral issue, such as separation anxiety, is essential for a lasting solution.

Key Points:

  • Use pet barriers, furniture blockers, or boxes to block off the space under the recliner
  • Provide alternatives such as a cozy dog bed or crate with a soft blanket
  • Train the dog with commands like “leave it” or “stay” and reward good behavior
  • Check for pests and eliminate any potential stressors
  • Ensure the dog gets regular exercise to reduce excess energy
  • Address any underlying behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. Dogs have an innate curiosity for exploring tight spaces, especially under furniture like recliners. However, an interesting way to keep your dog from going under the recliner is by placing aluminum foil on the floor underneath it. Dogs usually dislike the feeling and sound of walking on it, so they tend to avoid the area altogether.

2. Did you know that certain scents can help repel dogs from going under the recliner? One effective method is to use essential oils like citrus, eucalyptus, or peppermint. Dogs tend to dislike these smells, so placing a few drops near the area can deter them from venturing under the recliner.

3. To discourage your dog from going under the recliner, consider installing a baby gate or a pet gate around the area. This physical barrier will prevent your dog from accessing the space beneath the recliner, keeping them safe and avoiding any potential damage to the furniture or themselves.

4. Another interesting trivia is that some dogs may go under recliners due to anxiety or seeking a safe space. If your dog shows signs of anxiety, it is important to address the root cause. Providing them with a designated cozy and comfortable area, such as a dog bed or crate, can act as an alternative safe spot and reduce their inclination to go under the recliner.

5. Dogs often seek cool places to rest, especially during warmer seasons. To prevent your dog from going under the recliner for this reason, ensure that they have access to fresh water, plenty of shade, and a well-ventilated area where they can relax comfortably. Creating a relaxing environment for your dog can reduce their desire to seek refuge under furniture.

Blocking Off The Space Under The Recliner

One of the most effective ways to prevent your dog from going under the recliner is to block off the space. There are several solutions to consider, depending on the size and design of your recliner. Pet barriers, furniture blockers, or even boxes can be used to create a physical barrier that keeps your dog from accessing the underside of the recliner.

Pet barriers are designed specifically for this purpose and come in various sizes to fit different recliner models. Furniture blockers, on the other hand, can be used not only for recliners but also for beds or couches. They are designed to fill in the gap under the furniture, creating a solid barrier. If you prefer a DIY approach, using boxes can be a budget-friendly option. Simply place them strategically around the recliner to prevent your dog from crawling under.

Providing Alternative Comfortable Spaces For Your Dog

A dog’s natural tendency to seek comfort and security is often what leads them to crawl under furniture like recliners. To help prevent this behavior, it’s important to provide alternative spaces where your dog can feel comfortable and secure.

  • Consider providing a cozy dog bed or crate with a soft blanket as a safe and inviting space for your dog to relax.
  • Choose a bed or crate that suits your dog’s size and preferences.
  • Some dogs may prefer a covered crate where they can retreat and feel protected.
  • Other dogs may prefer an open bed where they can easily observe their surroundings.

Remember, understanding your dog’s individual needs can help you create an environment that encourages positive behavior.

“A dog’s natural tendency to seek comfort and security is often what leads them to crawl under furniture like recliners.”

Training Your Dog With Commands And Rewards

Training your dog with commands such as “leave it” or “stay” can effectively deter them from going under the recliner. Consistency is key when training your dog, so make sure to practice the commands regularly and reward good behavior. This will reinforce the desired response and help your dog understand that accessing the space under the recliner is off-limits.

Checking For Pests And Eliminating Stressors

If your dog has a tendency to go under the recliner, it’s important to check for any potential stressors or factors that may make them seek refuge in that space. Pests such as fleas, ticks, or ants can make your dog uncomfortable and encourage them to find secluded spots.

  • Regularly inspect your home for any signs of pests and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.
  • Additionally, consider other potential stressors in your dog’s environment, such as loud noises or changes in routine.
  • Addressing these stressors can help reduce your dog’s desire to go under the recliner.

Regular Exercise To Reduce Excess Energy

Excess energy can often be the cause of unwanted behaviors in dogs, such as crawling under furniture. Regular exercise is crucial in reducing the likelihood of your dog seeking refuge under the recliner.

Engage in activities that provide both mental and physical stimulation, such as going for walks, runs, or interactive play sessions. These activities will help to tire out your dog, making them less likely to exhibit restless behaviors and more willing to relax in their designated spaces.

Addressing Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common root cause of various behavioral issues in dogs, such as seeking refuge under furniture. To effectively address this problem, it is crucial to focus on the underlying issue of separation anxiety.

To tackle separation anxiety in dogs, consider the following tips:

  • Consult professionals: Seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can provide expert advice in developing a comprehensive plan to address your dog’s separation anxiety.

  • Desensitization techniques: Implement desensitization techniques to gradually expose your dog to being alone for short periods. Start by leaving your dog alone for a few minutes, then gradually increase the duration.

  • Establish a comforting routine: Create a consistent routine for your dog when you are away. This can help them feel secure and lessen their anxiety. Include activities such as a walk or playtime before leaving.

  • Provide mental stimulation: Ensure your dog has appropriate mental stimulation to prevent boredom and anxiety when you are not around. Use puzzle toys, interactive feeders, or treat-dispensing toys to keep them engaged and occupied.

In addressing separation anxiety, remember that patience and consistency are key. With the right approach and support, you can help your dog overcome separation anxiety and improve their overall behavior.

“Separation anxiety can be a root cause of many behavioral issues in dogs, including seeking refuge under furniture.”

Free Video Series By Dog Obedience Trainer Dan

If you’re looking for more guidance on preventing dogs from going under recliners and addressing other misbehaviors, you may find the free video series by dog obedience trainer Dan helpful. This series provides practical methods and tips to train your dog and prevent unwanted behaviors.

In the first video of the series, Dan explains why common dog training methods may not be effective in addressing specific issues like going under recliners. He offers alternative approaches that have been proven to be more successful.

You can access the video series at [insert link].

  • Don’t let your dog go under recliners
  • Train your dog to prevent unwanted behaviors
  • Learn alternative approaches for successful dog training

“If you’re looking for more guidance on preventing dogs from going under recliners and addressing other misbehaviors, you may find the free video series by dog obedience trainer Dan helpful.”

Methods To Block Off Under A Recliner

There are various methods you can use to effectively block off the space under a recliner and prevent your dog from accessing it. Depending on your preferences and the specific features of your recliner, you can choose the most suitable option.

  • Furniture blockers, specifically designed for this purpose, are a popular choice. They are made to fill in the gap under the recliner, creating a solid barrier. These blockers can also be used for beds or couches if needed.

  • If your recliner has a higher clearance underneath, pet gates can also be an effective solution. However, keep in mind that these gates may be more intrusive in your living space and require more installation effort.

  • If you prefer a more customizable approach, you can create a DIY barrier using materials such as wood or sturdy cardboard. This allows you to tailor the size, design, and materials used to block off the space under the recliner, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

In conclusion, preventing your dog from going under the recliner is essential for their safety. By blocking off the space, providing alternative comfortable spaces, training with commands, checking for pests and stressors, ensuring regular exercise, addressing separation anxiety, and using effective methods to block off the space under the recliner, you can create a safe and secure home environment for your furry friend. Remember to always prioritize your dog’s needs and consider seeking professional guidance if needed.


Why do dogs lay under recliners?

Dogs may choose to lay under recliners because it provides them with a sense of security and comfort. The enclosed space beneath the chair mimics the feeling of a den, offering a safe and cozy spot for dogs to relax. Additionally, dogs often seek the presence of their owners, and being close to them while they are in their favorite chair adds to their sense of security. The dark and quiet environment under the recliner provides dogs with the ideal conditions for a peaceful nap or rest.

Furthermore, dogs have a natural instinct to seek shelter and protection. The underside of a recliner provides dogs with a covered space where they can retreat from external stimuli and feel shielded from potential threats. By positioning themselves under the recliner, dogs can keep an eye on their surroundings while still maintaining a sense of seclusion. Overall, the underbelly of a recliner offers dogs a combination of safety, comfort, and proximity to their owners, making it an appealing spot for them to lay down.

How do you block the underside of a recliner?

One effective way to block the underside of a recliner is by creating a barrier using a silicone-based adhesive. Apply a layer of the adhesive around the entire perimeter of a sturdy plastic or metal sheet, slightly larger than the footprint of the recliner. Then, carefully position the sheet underneath the recliner, ensuring that it covers all access points to the machinery. The sticky silicone adhesive will serve as a deterrent, preventing any unwanted entry or tampering while also allowing for easy removal if necessary.

Alternatively, you can utilize a combination of magnets and lightweight metal sheets to block the underside of the recliner. Attach several powerful magnets to the interior side of the recliner’s frame, strategically placing them near access points to the machinery. Next, cut and shape thin metal sheets to cover the entire underside of the recliner, ensuring they are magnetic-responsive. When the metal sheets are placed over the magnets, a strong magnetic hold will secure the sheets in place, effectively blocking any access to the recliner’s inner workings. This method also allows for easy removal and reattachment when needed.

How do I keep my dog from going behind my couch?

To prevent your dog from sneaking behind the couch, you can create a barrier by utilizing objects like large pillows or stuffed animals strategically placed along the backrest. Additionally, you can try using double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the floor behind the couch, as dogs tend to dislike the texture or sound. Another effective method is rearranging the furniture to block access by moving an end table or bookshelf against the back of the couch, acting as a deterrent for your furry friend.

If your dog persists in trying to go behind the couch, you can make the area undesirable by placing motion-activated deterrents along the floor or using a pet-friendly spray with an unpleasant scent. It is also essential to provide your dog with alternate, comfortable spaces to relax, such as a designated dog bed or a cozy corner with their favorite toys, to redirect their attention away from going behind the couch. Remember to reward and reinforce positive behavior by praising and offering treats when they choose to stay away from the couch, promoting a safer and more harmonious living environment for both you and your furry friend.

How do I keep my recliner from scooting?

Another effective way to prevent your recliner from scooting is to place it against a wall or a solid surface. This creates a physical barrier that restricts the recliner’s movement. Additionally, consider using non-slip furniture pads or grippers under the recliner’s feet to provide extra traction and stability, ensuring it stays firmly in place during use.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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