Healthcare Seating

How to do the Air Chair Exercise for a Stronger Upper Body

How to do the Air Chair Exercise for a Stronger Upper Body

The air chair exercise is a great way to work your core muscles and improve your balance. The air chair exercise is simple. However, don’t let the simplicity fool you. The air chair exercise is a challenging workout that will leave you feeling strong and accomplished. To do this exercise, start by sitting on an…

What Bone Receives the Weight of the Body When Sitting

What Bone Receives the Weight of the Body When Sitting

Many bone problems arise from sitting for long periods. For instance, the femoral neck can narrow, leading to more blood clotting and plaque buildup. It’s hard to find a comfortable position when sitting because the bones don’t support the weight properly. You might be wondering what bone bears the most weight when sitting? Is the…

Why Can’t I Sit up Straight on the Floor with Legs Straight

Why Can’t I Sit up Straight on the Floor with Legs Straight

The reason why you can’t sit up straight with your legs straight is that your body doesn’t have a natural curve in the spine. The curvature in your spine is what allows you to sit up and lean back without putting pressure on your lower back, but when you’re sitting on the floor, there’s no…